layer transparent image - and photoshop

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layer transparent image - and photoshop

Postby KimberHargis » Tue Nov 20, 2018 8:05 pm

Hi, I bought the standalone version however when I create a new montage or open a png with a transparent background I have problems.

On the montage, I get a yellow area around the png where I removed the background.
Opening a png, I get a black background.

Am I doing something wrong?
If I upgrade so I can use the software with photoshop CS5, if I erase the background in photoshop will I have the same issue?

Thank you

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Re: layer transparent image - and photoshop

Postby admin » Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:14 am

I'm not sure about your problem with montages, I suggest you open a support ticket.

If you upgrade to studio to get the plugin, the plugin won't transfer the transparency from Photoshop to SPE. But you can erase the result of an SPE's effect and replace it in Photoshop.


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Re: layer transparent image - and photoshop

Postby eadams » Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:35 am

Unfortunately, SPE does not support transparency.

In addition to what Tony has said, depending on what you are trying to accomplish with your image, there might be an easy workaround since you only need to CTRL-Click on a layer in Photoshop to make a selection of the non-transparent area. In the screenshot below I created a PNG with a transparent background in Photoshop, saved the file, opened the file in SPE, applied an effect, then in Photoshop I combined the two versions by adding the SPE version as a separate layer and masked out the background that is supposed to be transparent. The mask can be inverted if it is the SPE background you want to reveal. (Click on the image to expand it if you don't see the Layer Panel.)

Untitled-1_PS and SPE.jpg
Untitled-1_PS and SPE.jpg (160.77 KiB) Viewed 3353 times

You haven't really described what you want to achieve, so this may not be relevant, so feel free to describe your workflow in more detail.

I personally do use SPE often as a plugin in Photoshop, but there are downsides. When you use SPE as a stand-alone, you can save your work as a session, which allows you to re-visit every step of all the work you have done in SPE. You can see exactly what effects you applied and you can change them if you want. When you use SPE as a plugin in Photoshop, all the work you do in SPE is returned to Photoshop as a single layer with no documentation of what effects you used. If you want to keep track of what you did in SPE you can of course apply only one effect at a time, returning each time to Photoshop and renaming the layer with the name of the effect you used, but you don't have the same ability to tweak your results. So your workflow really depends on what you want to accomplish.

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