adding text / image & font size

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adding text / image & font size

Postby ler660 » Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:44 pm

Hello, I'm brand new to this software -
I've been making a flier which in the Mac's Preview is 359 X 479 pixels - adding text to that, a 14-pt font was the right size to create a block of text on one side.
Nothing was quite clear enough though, so I downloaded this software.
Starting from scratch by opening the original image - which I would presume is the same size regardless of the program being used - I then entered text, only to find that a 9-pt font is so gigantic not even a whole word fits on the page. And in the view, the background image appears to be exactly the same size..... I'm not zoomed in on anything.

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Re: adding text / image & font size

Postby Arwin » Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:19 pm

Hi ler660,

I agree, SPE is not an Adobe Illustrator ;)
I'm not sure how SPE does handle the 9pt text, it's indeed bigger than a previous added 14pt text in other software. But still you can drag around the outer corner of the textbox to make the text smaller or bigger.

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