saving edited photos to Apple iMac Photos

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saving edited photos to Apple iMac Photos

Postby iandavids015 » Mon May 18, 2015 8:08 pm

Hi, not long switched over to a new iMac (the current version OS X Yosemite) and updated the photo storage app from iPhoto to Photos. Importing a photo from "Photos" into SPE is no problem but when I have completed my edit and then click "save" that's where it all goes haywire! First the saved file doesn't have the "-pe" extension like it did in Windows. Second, when the save dialogue screen pops up it asks me where to save the file, but "Photos" doesn't appear in the save options. To confuse matters even further, the edited photo to be saved seems to be given a string of numbers - 20150518-162237 - just to give an example. All sounds very confusing. Basically, does anyone know how to save and export an edited photo from SPE directly into "Photos" so that the original and saved edit appear together? Was very simple in Windows, but seems totally confusing in iMac! Any help most appreciated!

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Re: saving edited photos to Apple iMac Photos

Postby Bearach » Tue May 19, 2015 12:33 pm

On Mac you can 'save as session' and then choose a name for your file (it doesn't automatically create a name like 'yourimagename-pe' like it does on Windows.
Will this work for you?

When you say you import the image from Photos how does that work? How did you import images into Smart Photo Editor on Windows?

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Re: saving edited photos to Apple iMac Photos

Postby iandavids015 » Wed May 20, 2015 10:46 am

Hi, save as session didn't resolve the issue, but I spoke to Apple and they suggested creating a temporary folder on my desktop to save and store finished edits. The real problem is why, when trying to save an edit to a location, does Apple's new "Photos" app not appear on the list of locations to save to? For the time being, I can only save my edits to a desktop folder and then export or drag and drop to "Photos". Would be interesting to hear if any new iMac users have experienced the same problem and if so how they resolved the issue. Anyway, happier now I have at least a temporary solution. Thanks.

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