How to make batch files larger upon saving

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How to make batch files larger upon saving

Postby michellecares » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:19 pm

When, I save a file individually it will save almost the same size of the original file, but when I do a batch it saves the files less than half the size or more sometimes. How do I get batch files to save at a larger size? Pictures will start out as about 12mb and are only saving at 3 to 4mb. I need them to be at least 6 or 7. When I first started batching the files the other day they were all coming out 6 to 7 mb. I am using the same size files out of the same folder from a photo shoot and using the same effects as before. The original files are all raw files from my camera approximately the same size originally. They were batching fine in size even as of yesterday. For whatever reason today with no conditions changed they are batching smaller .... 3 to 4mb. I am working a deadline and could really use some help here. If I process one individually with the same effects I get a file size of 9 to 11mb. I know it is not the effects causing the size to be smaller or the size of the original pictures.

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Re: How to make batch files larger upon saving

Postby admin » Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:47 am

Hi Michellecares,

The first thing to say is that a small file size isn't nessasarily indicitive of a problem. The important thing is what the picture looks like, if you are happy with what the pictures look like, then you might not need to go any further. There are many things that can affect the file size, the biggest one being the file format. With Jpeg files you can loose information. If you want to be absolutely sure that no information is lost at all, convert all your pictures to 16 bit tifs before batching them. Then SPE will save the batch results as tiffs and you can be sure every single bit is intact!


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