Cannot find effect.
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You are viewing the Community Help Pages. They are on-line forums where people can come to ask questions about the Smart Photo Editor and all the replies and relevant information are kept in the same place.
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Cannot find effect.
I used a border on some photos yesterday and it was in my recents area. Now it is not there and I cannot find it in the borders. Is there any way to find it? I looked three times though all 97 pages.
Re: Cannot find effect.
hag408 wrote:I used a border on some photos yesterday and it was in my recents area. Now it is not there and I cannot find it in the borders. Is there any way to find it? I looked three times though all 97 pages.
I don't know why the border is not in your recents list. Have you checked your settings (File-Settings) to see how many recent effects will be displayed in your list?
In my experience the best way to find an effect I have used before if I don't remember the name of the effect or its author is to load the same photo I used the wanted effect on. That way, SPE will show me effects it thinks look good with that photo. If SPE suggested that effect once before, it will suggest it to me again. Keep in mind that some effects require an area to be selected with the Select Area tool in order for them to be found. Good luck!
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