Saving my edit of an effect for future use

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Saving my edit of an effect for future use

Postby Porangi » Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:56 pm

Is there a way of saving my version of an effect so that I can easily find it and apply it to my other images please? I would have no intention of passing off my adaptation of somebody elses hard work in creating the effect its simply that I have found a way of adapting the effect that I would love to be able to reproduce.

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Re: Saving my edit of an effect for future use

Postby admin » Mon Feb 07, 2022 10:27 am

Yes, you can locally publish an effect and only you'll see it:

On the effect tab at the top, right click and choose "Save Preset or Publish"
Give it a name and choose where it will show up in the galleries.
Optionally add a description
Then press Tag Fro My Use Only

It will turn up in your galleries and in your Favourites Recent Shortlists.

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