Creating a one step process for saving effects

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Creating a one step process for saving effects

Postby international99 » Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:37 am

I did this once before but can't remember how to do it again. I have 4 effects that I do on one image, and I want to save them all into one step for every picture I do. How do I do this again? When I hit save or to publish, it only saves the first of the four effects. Thanks!!

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Re: Creating a one step process for saving effects

Postby admin » Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:13 am

If you have applied four effects one after each other, it should save all of them all of the time unless you've disabled any of them by pressing on the eye button in the effect tab at the top. Let me know if that doesn't help and I can take a look at your problem in more detail.


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Re: Creating a one step process for saving effects

Postby international99 » Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:00 pm


Even though the 4th effect is the one I am wanting to save, it only saves the last effect of the four different things I did. These are the four effects i use, brighten border, film strip, broken glass, and then brighten again. Final product shows all four, when I then hit save preset or publish, it saves it like it should by the name i assigned to it, but when i open another photo to apply the named effect it only does the brighten effect ( the last one). It doesn't apply film strip, broken glass, or the first brighten which is hard to tell, but it's not. I know it possbile because I did it and use the saved effect I created before, but I wanted to tweek it some more but can't figure out how to save it as one "action or preset".


Re: Creating a one step process for saving effects

Postby ArjunAnthroQA » Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:10 pm

Hi international99,

Do you want to create one effect that combines all 4 effects you've applied? If that's what you're looking for, please try the below steps.

1. Load your image into SPE & apply the effects you want.
2. Now right click each effect and then click Merge With "effect name" . Do this for all the effects until you only have the "Original Image" entry and a "Custom Effect" entry in the timeline.
3. Once they're all merged, you should be in the Effect Editor. Click Publish then give your new combined effect a name and select categories for it.
4. Once you've done that, choose either "Tag For My Use Only" or "Tag And Share Effect" depending on whether you'd like to share the effect with other users.

The 4 effects should now be applicable to any image in one step. Your new effect will also be added to your favourite effects so that you can select quickly.

Apologies if I've misunderstood your request and that's not what you're looking for.


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