Ruined Effect

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Ruined Effect

Postby Arwin » Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:05 pm

Hi, I created the effect 'Canvas On Wall (square)' and there is a bit of a difference on how SPE works within the Effect Editor and the Gallery, seems.

I created the effect without a scale-node on the 'load Image' node, the idea was, to scale down the custom image (with the 'place And Merge' node) to fit in the 'Internet Image', now the 'load Internet Image' node seems to use always a scale option, that in this case ruined the effect.
So I think, best way is to remove the effect from the gallery.

To illustrate the problem I've uploaded a picture which shows the two ways SPE handled an effect.

Best regards, Arwin
Canvas On Wall (square) Gallery
CanvasOnWall(square)-Gallery.jpg (320.56 KiB) Viewed 2815 times
Canvas On Wall (square) Effect Editor
CanvasOnWall(square)-EffectEditor.jpg (308.84 KiB) Viewed 2815 times
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