Sketchy watercolor painting

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Sketchy watercolor painting

Postby Arwin » Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:02 pm

Added some sketchy watercolor painting effects to the gallery and having ideas to add some more variations in the near future!

For now there are 8 effects that are based on the color palette of the image itself (Sketchy watercolor painting 01 till Sketchy watercolor painting 08)
10 more effects are based on the Bittbox effects I created before, numbers are equal the other effects, so you can combine them if you wish..
For instance;
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 01
Bittbox - grungy watercolor 01
Bittbox - grungy watercolor 01 border I
Bittbox - grungy watercolor 01 border II
Bittbox - grungy watercolor 01 border III
are all based on the same texture.

Effect are categorized as: Watercolor, Ink, Pencil
And will be tagged as: Sketchy watercolor painting and in case of the Bittbox, as Bittbox.

The photos used here to demonstrate the effects are coming from

Click on the image to see the whole image!

Sketchy watercolor painting 01
Sketchy watercolor painting 01.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting 01.jpg (602.99 KiB) Viewed 9785 times

Sketchy watercolor painting 02
Sketchy watercolor painting 02.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting 02.jpg (250.74 KiB) Viewed 9785 times

Sketchy watercolor painting 03
Sketchy watercolor painting 03.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting 03.jpg (428.55 KiB) Viewed 9785 times
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Re: Sketchy watercolor painting

Postby Arwin » Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:04 pm

Sketchy watercolor painting 04
Sketchy watercolor painting 04.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting 04.jpg (334.15 KiB) Viewed 9784 times

Sketchy watercolor painting 05
Sketchy watercolor painting 05.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting 05.jpg (376.75 KiB) Viewed 9784 times

Sketchy watercolor painting 06
Sketchy watercolor painting 06.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting 06.jpg (1.68 MiB) Viewed 9784 times
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Re: Sketchy watercolor painting

Postby Arwin » Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:06 pm

Sketchy watercolor painting 07
Sketchy watercolor painting 07.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting 07.jpg (1.79 MiB) Viewed 9784 times

Sketchy watercolor painting 08
Sketchy watercolor painting 08.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting 08.jpg (1.31 MiB) Viewed 9784 times
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Re: Sketchy watercolor painting

Postby Arwin » Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:09 pm

Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 01
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 01.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 01.jpg (769.13 KiB) Viewed 9784 times

Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 02
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 02.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 02.jpg (912.09 KiB) Viewed 9784 times

Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 03
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 03.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 03.jpg (522.74 KiB) Viewed 9784 times
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Re: Sketchy watercolor painting

Postby Arwin » Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:11 pm

Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 04
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 04.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 04.jpg (346.92 KiB) Viewed 9784 times

Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 05
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 05.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 05.jpg (646.23 KiB) Viewed 9784 times

Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 06
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 06.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 06.jpg (470.51 KiB) Viewed 9784 times
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Re: Sketchy watercolor painting

Postby Arwin » Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:13 pm

Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 07
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 07.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 07.jpg (858.8 KiB) Viewed 9784 times

Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 08
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 08.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 08.jpg (1.06 MiB) Viewed 9784 times

Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 09
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 09.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 09.jpg (1.59 MiB) Viewed 9784 times
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Re: Sketchy watercolor painting

Postby Arwin » Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:13 pm

Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 10
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 10.jpg
Sketchy watercolor painting - Bittbox 10.jpg (546.07 KiB) Viewed 9784 times
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Re: Sketchy watercolor painting

Postby eadams » Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:14 pm

Oh my gosh, these are brilliant! I can't wait to try them out on some of my own photos. Unfortunately, none of my original photos are as great as the sample ones :-)

Arwin, these are so beautiful! Thank you!


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Re: Sketchy watercolor painting

Postby Arwin » Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:21 am

Thank you Eve,
Glad you like them :) I would love to see with what you come up with using the effects on your photos!

Tony: I do only see the Bittbox variants of the sketchy watercolor painting effects after updating the galley, none of te 01 till 08 versions are active, I upload them again, hope they are fine :)

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