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Postby drsonja » Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:15 am

How can I put color in a black and white photo

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Re: color

Postby admin » Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:31 pm

If you want to just want to add a bit of colour, try some of the effects listed under "sepia" or "duotone" (under the color section on the left in the gallery).

If you want to turn a black and white photo into a color photo, it's quite a lot of work!

1. Go into Area Treatment
2. For each different area of colour:
2a. Select the area using the mouse
2b. Use the temperature (cool vs warm) and tint (green vs purple) sliders to adjust the colour of the area
2c. To add a new area to change the color of, click on the + button in "New Area" and repeat!

Good luck,


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