Updated list of SPE Effects

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Updated list of SPE Effects

Postby eadams » Fri Jan 02, 2015 12:29 pm

The list of effects posted on the Anthropics website http://photoeditor.anthropics.com/effects.php supposedly contains the names of all the SPE effects, including ones that have been deleted. The list is not alphabetical, so it is hard to find the name of a particular effect. Some time ago I went to the trouble of extracting the list and alphabetizing it, but that list is now out-of-date, so I updated the list today. It can be viewed and downloaded from https://www.dropbox.com/s/i6gcyxuauowomlo/Final%20List%20of%20Effects%20as%20of%202%20January%202015.xls?dl=0.
Last edited by eadams on Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Updated list of SPE Effects

Postby DennB » Fri Jan 02, 2015 2:41 pm

Thanks Eve, really appreciate you doing that. The list downloads numerically but easy to alphabetize in Excel.

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Re: Updated list of SPE Effects

Postby eadams » Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:03 pm

Thank you, Denn, for telling me I forgot to sort the list alphabetically! I updated the file and it now has both the unsorted and the alphabetically sorted versions in it. :D

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Re: Updated list of SPE Effects

Postby admin » Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:53 am

Another thing you can do is use your browser's search functionality in that web page (Control F on a PC), then you don't need to go through the extra work of keeping an up to date list in a spreadsheet (and you can also search for keywords in the middle of a name).


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Re: Updated list of SPE Effects

Postby eadams » Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:06 pm

Yes, this is correct, however you need to know the exact term you are searching for. Searching for "Bitbox" on the webpage would not help you find the Bittbox effects, but the alphabetical list helped me find them immediately. Having said that, you are right, Tony, it is not worth the effort to extract the list and alphabetize it when it is more helpful than searching the web page only part of the time.

It would be much more helpful if Anthropics would post an alphabetical list of the effects with columns for the following information: Name of Author and Upload Date. Perhaps also the description (which hasn't been added by authors for every effect). This would be easy for Anthropics to do.

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