Reverse Engineering an effect

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Reverse Engineering an effect

Postby mekoumas » Thu Feb 01, 2018 9:15 pm

I am curious if the program allows one to see how an effect in the effects gallery was originally made? Can I use the effects editor or is there another way? Thanks.

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Re: Reverse Engineering an effect

Postby eadams » Fri Feb 02, 2018 9:08 am

mekoumas wrote:I am curious if the program allows one to see how an effect in the effects gallery was originally made? Can I use the effects editor or is there another way? Thanks.

Yes, of course. As far as I know the only way is to use the Effect Editor.

* Apply the effect you are interested in to one of your images
* Right-click on the thumbnail of the edited image on the top of your screen
* Select manual edit

The Effect Editor then opens and you can see how the effect was created. You can edit the effect by adding or removing nodes and replacing any images used in the effect with images of your own. Editing the effect takes a bit of practice, so it is a good idea to learn the basics of creating effects by watching the available tutorials.

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