Bizarre - to say the least!

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Bizarre - to say the least!

Postby MJP » Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:44 pm

As an example, take the Moonlight effects. There are only 8 in all. Only two are vaguely relevant and even then not very convincing. The remaining 6 are bizarre in the category. I've got a feeling that this kind of proportion of relevance to bizarreness applies to the other categories of effects. Why is this? The question puzzled me when I used this package during the beta testing phase. It puzzles me still as things don't seem to have improved.

Why use categories at all if a high proportion of the entries shouldn't be there?

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Re: Bizarre - to say the least!

Postby admin » Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:06 pm

The effects that appear are down to the communities choices. When something turns up in the wrong category it is because someone has got confused as to which category it belongs to. For popular categories like black and white, you will already see that the first few pages don't contain anything strange. For "moonlight", it is less popular so less eyeballs have seen it so it is less well sorted. The software is only in its initial phase at the moment, so as more people use it the more the galleries will become sorted.

If you think something is wrongly appearing then give it the lowest star rating (0 stars) and it will eventually drop off the bottom of the search. If you think something should go higher up the list, give it a high rating.


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Re: Bizarre - to say the least!

Postby Sigh » Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:23 pm

It's 2012, now, and it appears pretty much the same.

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Re: Bizarre - to say the least!

Postby admin » Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:08 pm

Fair point, I'll get someone to look at this.


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Re: Bizarre - to say the least!

Postby mistabumpy » Wed May 30, 2012 11:26 pm

I would say that this software is no different than any other program - word processor, desktop publisher, spreadsheet program, whatever - the average user will never in a hundred years utilize more than a fraction of all the features of the program, or even have any use for them, and may not even like them. This is the fallacy of "intuitive" programs generally. They're not, strictly speaking. This is true even of professionals. It's one reason why serious hobbyists and others use several programs to manipulate just one picture - IE - Portrait Professional, Photoshop, maybe another program or two, just to put the "right touch" on the picture. If you don't like a feature, don't use it. If you can't find enough features you like, don't buy it. That's why God made shareware.

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Re: Bizarre - to say the least!

Postby jon..ny » Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:29 pm

LOL...What??? Sounds like babble to me.....Don"t like, stay off it.......

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