Appling multiple effects to one image

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Appling multiple effects to one image

Postby Shutterbuggal » Fri May 30, 2014 9:17 pm

Hi I want to be able to select area to change and then use different backgrounds on it without having to save and then reselect the area again. Too time consuming and labor intensive to select the area time and time again and would lie to know how I can save the selected area to reuse. Once you hit ok the locks in the selected background and then you basically have to start over to make a different background selection by reselecting the area again. Would be so much simplier to be able to move back to the selected area work place and then select another background. If this is currently a option, can someone please tell me how to do it? Thanks

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Re: Appling multiple effects to one image

Postby admin » Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:09 am


I've answered this question in your other thread.

Let me know if you have any more questions.


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