Using a user preset in composition

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Using a user preset in composition

Postby drguitar » Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:55 pm

Hi. Just wondering if you can use a members presets when doing a composite? I've seen some very cool landscape ones that people have made, but when I press the composition button, it appears I can't use them - only my own. Any ideas?

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Re: Using a user preset in composition

Postby admin » Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:50 am


The gallery is the only place to find user's contributions. In the gallery you will find anything that can be shared in Spe, including composites. The reason there are not many around is that not many composites generalise well as objects can't often be put in any scene. The main exception is skies, which are in many scenes and you'll see a bunch of sky composites if you select the sky and browse.

Hope that helps.


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