Selection effects

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Selection effects

Postby Arwin » Thu Feb 05, 2015 11:48 pm

3 new effects that give you a gradient selection

I've uploaded 3 effects that are new in its kind.
Using the effect will give you two selections back that you can use to add any effect too.

Effect names:
Selection Creator - Conical Gradient
Selection Creator - Linear Gradient
Selection Creator - Radial Gradient

Categorized as: Mixed Media
Will be tagged as: Selection, Mask

As example, add the effect Selection Creator - Linear Gradient to your image.
Now hover above the Effects Gallery button and you will see a window popup as seen in the image below.
Choose for either Mask or Not Mask to add an effect to the specific selection.

MaskNoMask.jpg (42.86 KiB) Viewed 4936 times

*Special note to Tony,
The live effect does not shows the selection name as you can see in the example below, the selection is available though.
NoMask.jpg (42.07 KiB) Viewed 4936 times

Altering the Selection Creator - Linear Gradient
If you have added an effect to, for example, Mask and/or Not Mask, you can change the gradient of the Selection Creator - Linear Gradient or its location by altering the effect, click on the effect tab to see the gradient-line. A simple hover above the other effect-tabs will show the added effects to the Mask and/or Not Mask selections.

(Click image to enlarge)
Example.gif (638.85 KiB) Viewed 4936 times

Example photo by WC Lawson
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Re: Selection effects

Postby Arwin » Sun Mar 01, 2015 4:25 pm

Added improved versions of the gradient selections effects!

Selection Creator V2 - Conical Gradient
Selection Creator V2 - Linear Gradient
Selection Creator V2 - Radial Gradient

The previous version did darken the selection a bit, now the selections are not visible on your photo anymore, the selections still there of course ;)

Other changes:
Conical Gradient effect does have the selections named: Conical1 and Conical2
Linear Gradient effect does have the selections named: Top and bottom
Radial Gradient effect does have the selections named: Inner and Outer

Also it's now possible to make the Radial Gradient an ellipse form, this will give you the ability to make a light spot in your image, or to add a pool of water in your image and I'm sure there are many many more possibilities I would love to see! :D

Here a preview of the Selection Creator V2 - Radial Gradient in action:
Selection Creator V2 - Radial Gradient - Pool of water
(Click image to enlarge)
Selection Creator V2 - Radial Gradient_Pool of water.jpg
Selection Creator V2 - Radial Gradient_Pool of water.jpg (298.21 KiB) Viewed 4886 times

Selection Creator V2 - Radial Gradient - Lightspot
(Click image to enlarge)
Selection Creator V2 - Radial Gradient_lightspot.jpg
Selection Creator V2 - Radial Gradient_lightspot.jpg (293.59 KiB) Viewed 4886 times

If there is any interest in the waterpool as effect, let me know and I see what I can do.. I just don't want to spoil all the creative editing fun from you ;)

Hope the effect are useful for any of you!

Check my Instagram if you have time, dedicated to my edits done in Smart Photo Editor!
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