Why doesn't UI always display Hue slider?

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Why doesn't UI always display Hue slider?

Postby eadams » Sat Jun 11, 2016 8:46 pm

I created a very simple effect today called Picture Frame SQUARE format. In the Effect Editor there is a Hue Saturation Brightness node and the color of the frame can be adjusted, although I didn't adjust it from the original green color. After publishing the effect, the user UI shows no slider for hue, so any user who downloads the effect will have to manually edit the effect with the Effect Editor in order to change the color of the frame.

Before publishing this effect to share it, I had created an identical local effect to try it out first. That effect has the hue slider in the UI, so I mistakenly thought that all was well. Through experimentation I discovered that if I don't actually use the existing Hue slider in the Effect Editor, the UI won't display it. If I had known this, I would have changed the color of the frame with the hue slider before publishing the effect. It is important for the user to be able to change the color of the frame to match the colors in the framed image.

Why isn't this slider available if there is a node for it in the effect?

This is the simple workflow chart of the effect.
Hue and saturation SPE.JPG
Hue and saturation SPE.JPG (49.81 KiB) Viewed 4846 times

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Re: Why doesn't UI always display Hue slider?

Postby admin » Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:43 am

Hi Eadams,

There are rules for which sliders show up in an effect because if they were all shown then you could end up with a huge amount, especially in a complex effect. It will ignore sliders that are at their default value because they are less likely to be 'interesting' than ones that have been set for an effect. It also prioritizes sliders that are near the end of the effect for two reasons: Firstly they are likely to have a more dramatic effect and also because it means there is less to process, so the sliders would be smoother in use.

If you want a texture to match the colors in an image, we actually have several nodes that do that automatically. If you look in the last tab in the effect editor, the first three nodes are colour match nodes. They take a picture as their first input then a picture with a set of colors to match as their second input. You might find playing around with those, useful.

Kind regards


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