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You are viewing the Community Help Pages. They are on-line forums where people can come to ask questions about the Smart Photo Editor and all the replies and relevant information are kept in the same place.
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Still battling with the ongoing (not responding message) and freezing up in the programme, but otherwise, would love to see more smoky effects please which are so magical.
Not very good at this still, but would also like some dainty frames, where we can choose the colours instead of using the colour of the actual frame itself, just to match in with the photo.
Is there a montage where I can place two photos next to one another for printing? Instead of layering?
Then, last thing.... is there a setting for A4/ A3/ custom size? I dont know the pixels that make up that size at all, so that would be a great help if it is there and I just cant find it..... really need those measurements.
Many thanks indeed.

Still battling with the ongoing (not responding message) and freezing up in the programme, but otherwise, would love to see more smoky effects please which are so magical.
Not very good at this still, but would also like some dainty frames, where we can choose the colours instead of using the colour of the actual frame itself, just to match in with the photo.
Is there a montage where I can place two photos next to one another for printing? Instead of layering?
Then, last thing.... is there a setting for A4/ A3/ custom size? I dont know the pixels that make up that size at all, so that would be a great help if it is there and I just cant find it..... really need those measurements.
Many thanks indeed.

cherylboo wrote:Hi,
Still battling with the ongoing (not responding message) and freezing up in the programme, but otherwise, would love to see more smoky effects please which are so magical.
Not very good at this still, but would also like some dainty frames, where we can choose the colours instead of using the colour of the actual frame itself, just to match in with the photo.
Is there a montage where I can place two photos next to one another for printing? Instead of layering?
Then, last thing.... is there a setting for A4/ A3/ custom size? I dont know the pixels that make up that size at all, so that would be a great help if it is there and I just cant find it..... really need those measurements.
Many thanks indeed.
Hello cherylboo,
If the program is freezing and crashing for you, you might want to take a look at the minimum requirements to make sure your computer can handle it: https://www.smartphotoeditor.com/support/?qid=4
Assuming your computer does meet the minimum requirements, there are a couple of other things that you could check. For example, are you using an updated graphics driver? Are the images you are editing too large for your computer's memory? I am not the right person to give technical advice, so I'm sure there are other things you could check.
Regarding the dainty frames: If it is a simple border you are interested in, you can easily create your own border in any color you want.
* Open your image
* Click on Effect Editor at the bottom of the column on the right.
* Search for "Border" in the search field of the Effect Editor. The Border node will be shown at the top.
* Drag this node into the main Effect definition workspace below.
* Drag the connecting arrows so that the border node is in the middle between Input and Output.
* Double-click on the border node to open the properties of the border.
* You can define the number of borders, their width and their color. To make the color match one of the colors in your image, just hover with the mouse over the border color swatch until the cursor takes on the shape of an eye-dropper. Then click and hold the left mouse button to "lock in" the eye dropper and move it over to your image. As the eye-dropper moves over different colors in your image, it will copy that color to your border.
You can also change the color of an existing border in the Effect Gallery. Some borders (like Custom Borders 051) have a hue slider that you can move to change the color. If the effect doesn't seem to have a hue slider, you can open the effect in the effect editor and see if the effect has a hue component that you can tweak there. To open the effect editor to edit an existing effect, do the following:
* apply the effect to your image
* mouse over the effect icon at the top right of your screen and click on it with the right mouse button. Select "Manual Edit"
*look for a Hue Saturation Brightness node in the Effect definition that affects the color of the frame. Double click on the node to open it and change the hue.
*If there is no Hue Saturation Brightness node you can add one the same way a border node can be added (as described above)
It really is a lot of fun customizing effects.
Regarding the A4/A3 sizing. These sizes are paper measurements, and they are not directly related to the pixel size, which is dependent on the resolution you are using. Smart Photo Editor is not an application that specializes in printing, so it is recommended to edit your image in SPE and then save it and open it in and print it from a different application which does specialize in printing. There are many free programs. One that has been recommended in this forum is Irfanview.
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