adding a light

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adding a light

Postby Bettina13 » Mon Nov 23, 2015 9:34 am

Is there a way to add a light where there isn't one such as a lantern or coming out of a book or box?
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Re: adding a light

Postby eadams » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:46 am

Yes, you can add elements to the image that weren't originally there. I don't usually do this type of image manipulation in SPE, so there may be a better method than the one I used for this image. I put a party hat in the box (you can use an image of a lantern or anything else). These are the steps I used:

Open original image
File - Add Overlay
Select image of party hat from my hard disk. (This image is superimposed on the original image.)
In the Composite panel, click the Move, Rotate and Scale button to position and resize the party hat to the desired size and position.( Drag a corner to resize. Click and drag in the middle to rotate.)
Still in the Composite panel, click the Select Area button and click on Erase from Selection
Using either the Find Soft Edge setting or the Find Hard Edge setting, and adjusting the brush and edge detector to an appropriate size, erase the parts of the superimposed image that should not appear. In my case it was the white background around the party hat. If you erase too much, you can correct the error by switching to Add to Selection and painting the erased areas back in. If you need to erase something where there is no edge to detect, you can use the Airbrush setting.

After doing this, I ended up with the party hat superimposed on the original image, but it was on top of the box, and not coming out of the box. To restore the front side of the box I superimposed the original image:
File - Add Overlay
Select original image from the hard disk
In the Composite panel, click the Select Area button and click on Erase from Selection
Erase the area on the top of the box to reveal the party hat.
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Re: adding a light

Postby DennB » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:45 pm

Use the effect "Stage Light" and move it around to where you want it.

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