Saving more than one effect in selected area w/o reselecting

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Saving more than one effect in selected area w/o reselecting

Postby McCroskey73 » Mon Dec 28, 2015 11:58 pm

I’m going to try to word this accurately just to be clear. When using “select area”, choosing an effect, and clicking ok, is there a way to save that effect as jpeg, undo, and add a different effect without having to select the area all over again? It’s driving me mad to do this over and over again. I have tried undo and my selection is gone, the “selection” pain is gone from the top. Surely there is a way to do this. Most of my photo programs have “save a copy” as it stands in the editing process and I can either go back removing edits or continue editing and saving a copy with unlimited capacity. I hate having to reselect an area to have a bw background, blurred background, and a sepia background. I generally make my choices with side by side comparisons and hate having to reselect an area over and over. I hope this made sense!

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Re: Saving more than one effect in selected area w/o reselecting

Postby eadams » Tue Dec 29, 2015 12:53 am

Yes, you only have to define the area once, and you can re-use it again and again. You can also define several different areas and re-use all of them.

After you have saved your image and clicked "Undo", just let your mouse cursor hover over the Effects Gallery icon in the upper right of your screen to display the Effects Gallery flyout menu. If you have previously defined areas, you will see at the bottom "Show Gallery for Area name". If you have defined more than one area, they will all be listed. Click on the area you want, and you will have access to effects that are relevant for that area. For example, if you defined an area as "Sky" by selecting the Sky option, you will be presented with effects that effect authors have designated as sky effects.

EDIT: You can also save your session (File - Save As Session). This will create an Smart Photo Editor file with the file extension .pe that you can load again at a later time and continue where you left off.

I hope this helps.

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Re: Saving more than one effect in selected area w/o reselecting

Postby McCroskey73 » Tue Dec 29, 2015 3:35 am

That helps so much! Thank you! I see the fly out box, now, when I hover! I was looking for the wrong thing. So very blessed to have that stressor relieved. Thanks again, and happy new year!

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Re: Saving more than one effect in selected area w/o reselecting

Postby eadams » Tue Dec 29, 2015 7:58 pm

I forgot to mention that you are in good company in overlooking the option to select gallery effects for areas that have already been defined. I asked that very same question when I started out using SPE. :D

Happy New Year to you, too!

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