Announcing new product: LandscapePro

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Announcing new product: LandscapePro

Postby admin » Thu Apr 07, 2016 3:05 pm

I'm pleased to announce a new product from Anthropics for improving your landscape photography.

It has a few features you might not have seen before in other software:

+ The ability to relight landscapes
+ Specific tools for dealing with common issues to do with landscapes like selecting small patches of sky behind trees
+ Instantly replace the skies in images with presets
+ Tools to manipulate skies by separately adjusting the clouds and the atmosphere behind them
+ Color adjustment tools targeted at common objects in landscapes (e.g. make grass look lush, or make sand look golden )
+ An easy to use depth of field simulator which respects 3d objects in your scene
+ A new workflow where you select several objects in your scene first before editing
+ Change colors in your image depending on the distance to the camera (e.g. making distant objects bluer, or highlighting the middle distance)

We've not yet announced this to the press but we thought we'd let Smart Photo Editor users take an early look!

You can check it out at:

Any feedback can be sent to me via the link in the feedback section of the app.

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