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Postby Sigh » Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:31 am

Going through some templates, I have found some that I would use, if they did not have 18 plastered all over it...
I mean, why have that? Surely that is purely personal. And therefore, there should be a number template for those who want them.

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Re: 18

Postby admin » Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:46 pm

Effects can be created by any of our users. The effect to which you refer I think was intended for 18th birthday images. If you can find a similar piece of rusty metal you could upload a new effect without an 18 on top.


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Re: 18

Postby andrewb2012 » Tue May 08, 2012 12:36 pm

Hi - Thank you for your comment on the texture with 18 on it - It was one of my contributions.

Glad you would have used this texture had the 18 not been on - thought about uploading two versions - one with 18 & one without. I think I might clone out the18 & add a new version to meet your requirements.

Tony was quite right as to one the uses for such a texture - it could be creatively used for birthday images - maybe even ending up on a commercially produced card.

However, I added it to offer a challenge to creative artists to use the texture in non obvious ways & come up with some wonderful artwork image.

You could of course just load a blank jpeg image & apply the effect - save it - then modify it by cloning out the offending 18 in Smart Photo Editor using the ERASE function - then save your result. This then would be a new texture which you could substitute for my texture in my effect. If you are not sure how to modify existing textures, then I would raise that question with the Smart Photo Editor team as I don't (as just a user) want to give you the wrong information or mislead you in anyway. I would love to see your result if you chose to modify my effect.

Just a little note - I did not add the 18 myself - it was from a close up image that I took of boat sheds in Errol Harbour near Cruden Bay, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. So the texture was not contrived and I thought BEAUTIFUL in its own right.

Kind regards,


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Re: 18

Postby andrewb2012 » Tue May 08, 2012 3:59 pm

Hi Sigh,

You might like to note that I have now added three or four variations of the effect - without the 18 of course.

All the best,


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Re: 18

Postby Sigh » Sun May 20, 2012 7:10 pm

Thanks, Andrew.
I will of course look at those new uploads. Though it has to be said that as more are created, and voted on, the harder they are to find.
The 18, original, it would fit the image I was using at that time. And as you might have found yourself, some that you like don't necessarilly fit every image.
I'm using Smart Photo Editor to supliment my Lightroom and Elements. Sometimes when I can't quite get what I'm after in my own editing, I want a quick fix. For instance...
http://www.flickr.com/photos/eibon/7233 ... /lightbox/
http://www.flickr.com/photos/eibon/7234 ... /lightbox/
http://www.flickr.com/photos/eibon/6972 ... /lightbox/
As soon as I find yours, I will use it, and share the result.

Again, thank you.


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Re: 18

Postby admin » Mon May 21, 2012 9:27 am

Hi Si,

Some nice results! In case you've not spotted it, take a look at the Favourite Effects tool on the right hand side. This allows you to quickly find and manage effects that you have found and used in the past.


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Re: 18

Postby andrewb2012 » Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:36 pm

Hi Sigh,

Sorry for the long delay in responding to your image links. They all look impressive. Thanks for your comments on 18 - hope you have found the modified versions.

Kind regards,


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