using smart photo on more than one computer.

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using smart photo on more than one computer.

Postby gary carr » Mon May 15, 2017 6:56 pm

I downloaded smartphotoeditor onto my laptop and when I went to my desktop I was unable to use the 'key' to set it up on my desktop. I wrote Smartphotoeditor and I was told to use the demo version or open a new one which I assume I'd have to pay for either version. I don't think this is fair. Other companies provide keys for this purpose.

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Re: using smart photo on more than one computer.

Postby admin » Tue May 16, 2017 10:28 am

Hi Gary,

I checked and you should be fine installing the software on your desktop. You need to download the bought version using then enter the same token that you originally used and that should work. Sorry for the confusion.

Kind regards


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