The select area

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The select area

Postby dub » Mon Oct 02, 2017 2:06 pm

After spending a lot of time selecting the area I need to work on, if I wanted to use the same selection for another effect on the same image, how do I save the selected area (which is normally in Pink)

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Re: The select area

Postby Richard Briggs » Tue Oct 03, 2017 8:25 am

I only found out how to do this recently.

OK, say you have selected some SKY using the Select Area tool. You finish the selection and you choose a sky effect. You OK and the sky effect is now used in your image. But, on second thoughts, you think there must be something better....

You will have your image and the various effects you have applied at the top. Now hover your mouse over the 'Effects' box top right. A window will open. Select the effect type you want to change (e.g. SKY) and you will be presented with alternatives for that selection.


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Re: The select area

Postby dub » Tue Oct 03, 2017 10:48 am

Good morning Richard.

Thank you very much for your response.
Your explanation is good but that would be great if in my case, it was only a matter of me changing my mind about using the SKY effect I selected.

Below is the process I would go through (hope it makes sense)

I choose an image
I do an image treatment to get a baseline for my image (optional)
I select an area, say SKY
I confirm the 2 steps needed
I colour in the area of the SKY I want to use, with the ‘select area tool’
I confirm my choice of area
I am presented with a host of choices from the gallery
At this stage I know I am going to want to use more than ONE effect on the same image
My question is: How do I save the image, with the selected area for further use?

E.g. I want to use ‘Sky-evening- by superdave’ but I am intending to use the same image, with the same selected Sky area for ‘paste new sky-005- by andrewb2012'

I hope that blow by blow commentary was useful. That was the best way I could convey


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Re: The select area

Postby eadams » Tue Oct 03, 2017 12:23 pm

dub wrote:Good morning Richard.

Thank you very much for your response.
Your explanation is good but that would be great if in my case, it was only a matter of me changing my mind about using the SKY effect I selected.

Below is the process I would go through (hope it makes sense)

I choose an image
I do an image treatment to get a baseline for my image (optional)
I select an area, say SKY
I confirm the 2 steps needed
I colour in the area of the SKY I want to use, with the ‘select area tool’
I confirm my choice of area
I am presented with a host of choices from the gallery
At this stage I know I am going to want to use more than ONE effect on the same image
My question is: How do I save the image, with the selected area for further use?

E.g. I want to use ‘Sky-evening- by superdave’ but I am intending to use the same image, with the same selected Sky area for ‘paste new sky-005- by andrewb2012'

I hope that blow by blow commentary was useful. That was the best way I could convey


You can do this very easily. Let's say you went through all the steps and applied the effect Sky-evening. Now you want to apply yet another effect to the sky area. Just hover the mouse over the Effects Gallery button on the top right of your screen instead of clicking on it. You will see that a window appears offering to "Show Gallery for...." all the area selections you have made. Click on "Sky" (or any other area you have already defined) to apply another effect to it.

If I do any serious work on an image with multiple effects, I always save the image as a session in SPE. Then I can re-open the session at any future time and all my work (individual effects, saved areas) are there to work with. You can save multiple versions of the same image as individual JPGs by simply clicking on the eyeball of the thumbnails of the individual applied effects and turning the effects on and off before saving.

spe saved area.png
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