underwater photo colour correction

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underwater photo colour correction

Postby rmsaust@gmail.com » Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:28 am

Hi All,

how do we get underwater colour correction into smart photo editor? Mobile cameras can do it (eg http://dive.plus/) surely anthropics can do it ?

so many users are looking for faster, easier ways to improve underwater photos.

Whats your tips, how do you adjust your underwater photos

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Re: underwater photo colour correction

Postby eadams » Sun Jan 12, 2020 12:09 pm

Under "Image Treatment" on the right side of the screen you can make basic corrections to your images. You can also use the Area Treatment tool to select individual areas in your image for corrections. The effects editor (button at the bottom left of the main screen) offers other options for creating and editing an effect.

I have no idea if there are other software applications that specialize in enhancing underwater photos.

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Re: underwater photo colour correction

Postby admin » Mon Jan 13, 2020 10:28 am

The first thing I'd try would be Auto Tone and Auto Levels in Image treatment. That's generally true of any problem where the colours and contrast are muted, e.g. haze.

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Re: underwater photo colour correction

Postby rmsaust@gmail.com » Tue May 12, 2020 1:04 am

Dive + like feature is the AIM.

good colour correction is the main aim, correcting the colour by adding red filter for shallow depths and purple filerter for >15 M depths.

my olympus point and shoot compact camera has underwater filters built in, based on depth setting <15m, 15m-40m, >40m.

what sets dive + apart is the natural way it corrects the image, especially when using raw files (very important)

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