The big feature request discussion

Please let us know of absolutely anything you think is missing from Smart Photo Editor.
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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby eadams » Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:20 pm

firegalg wrote:When I usually do the masking I create it within the Effect Gallery using the Ok, Mask Area to create the mask. Sometimes it lets me re-use the mask when I click on the Effects Gallery again. However, it must have its limitations since when I do it that way the Effects Gallery will only apply the last type of overlay I was using (e.g. Subtle Light or something like that if it was the last type of overlay I was in since the is what it says at the bottom of the tab). I do seem to get a wide variety of overlays once I get a couple of pages into it for the most part. I have found that after two or three times using the Effects Gallery without re-using the mask I lose the ability to re-apply the mask again and have to start over but that hasn't been consistent yet.

If I understand you correctly, I should make the mask with the Area Treatment and keep it for use. I'll try that next! Thanks!!! Gina

Hi again Gina. You taught me something today! I didn't know that a mask added with the "Ok, Mask Area" button when applying an effect would be able to be re-used. Apparently you don't even have to use that button. It works even if you just add or subtract from the mask. I never noticed that that was possible. Thank you for drawing my attention to that!

I don't understand what you mean by the Effects Gallery only applying the last type of overlay you were using. What tab are you referring to?

I don't seem to be having any limitation problems. I can also apply several other effects without re-using the mask and don't lose the ability to re-apply the mask.

Thanks again for helping me learn something new!

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby djcmed847 » Fri Mar 19, 2021 12:38 pm

Being able to move in and out of the shortlist.

Being able to remove pictures from the shortlist to narrow it down at will.

Introduce a compare pics tool so that two different pics can be viewed side by side.

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby admin » Mon Mar 22, 2021 10:27 am

If you go into the shortlist (Show Shortlist) by clicking you can remove filters from the shortlist by hovering over them and pressing "Remove from shortlist".

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby spyder46 » Wed Oct 06, 2021 6:05 pm

what can i do, im color blind and have a hard time moving the cursor around subjects - is there any way to darken the red effect?

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby admin » Thu Oct 07, 2021 7:48 am

Hi spyder46

If you're talking about the red overlay used to select areas, there are other options to show the selection as once you've started selecting. Just click on one of the buttons under "Display Selection As".

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby WiltshireMoonraker59 » Sat Jan 29, 2022 5:30 pm

It would be nice if you could search effects by page number because going through 600 plus pages each time is laborious. Yes I know you can save favourites which I do but if you could say go to page 250 and carry on from that page, it would be quicker to skip the pages that you may have seen time and time again

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Re: The big feature request discussion

Postby eadams » Sun Jan 30, 2022 9:36 am

WiltshireMoonraker59 wrote:It would be nice if you could search effects by page number because going through 600 plus pages each time is laborious. Yes I know you can save favourites which I do but if you could say go to page 250 and carry on from that page, it would be quicker to skip the pages that you may have seen time and time again

I doubt that any new features will be added to this software. Anthropics has been keeping it updated so that it will run on new operating systems, and community members keep adding new effects, for which I am grateful, but no new features have been added to the program for years. It is a shame really, but the program is great anyway.

I'm sure you know that you can skip to any particular page simply by moving the slider that appears when you move the mouse over the current page number, so I'm not sure what you are asking for exactly.


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