Watercolour look with black outline on elements within

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Watercolour look with black outline on elements within

Postby Longblades » Mon Sep 11, 2023 11:12 pm

Newbie help please, have seen watercolour effect, mostly on flowers, with black outlines on individual flowers, veins etc. How would I go about producing such a look?

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Re: Watercolour look with black outline on elements within

Postby Richard Briggs » Sat Sep 16, 2023 8:47 am

I can't find any built -in effect in SPE that will do this. But by layering a pencil (black and white) effect over your image and playing with the parameters such as merge I have been able to reproduce something but not worthy of posting :(. I suspect it may be a lot of detailed work including masking etc. It may also depend very much on the source image. So a flower with a bright background may work better?


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Re: Watercolour look with black outline on elements within

Postby Longblades » Sat Sep 16, 2023 1:22 pm

Richard Briggs wrote:I can't find any built -in effect in SPE that will do this. But by layering a pencil (black and white) effect over your image and playing with the parameters such as merge I have been able to reproduce something but not worthy of posting :(. I suspect it may be a lot of detailed work including masking etc. It may also depend very much on the source image. So a flower with a bright background may work better?


Thanks, I have found a couple that approximate what I 'd like but will go try what you suggest too.

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