Add Filter

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Add Filter

Postby MJP » Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:37 am

In my attempts to find an easy start to converting a colour image to black and white I have hit upon Add Filter but I can't find any explanation of what it is meant for. There doesn't seem to be any Help for it. What are filters and how do they relate to effects?

When I add a filter and convert to black and white I then look at the Tone settings which are a different set to those on the Tone Adjustments panel. Inconsistency worries me, it confuses me and I think it would confuse anyone.

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Re: Add Filter

Postby admin » Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:07 pm

Filters are combined together to make an effect. If you add an effect, you can see what filters make it up by going into expert mode and looking at the network view on the right. N.B. The whole expert mode thing is currently intended for us to be able to create effects, and for a small number of users who don't mind dealing with the extra complexity and difficulty of using the more direct way of editing images, so be warned! The tone adjustment panel is intended to be easy to use and available to anyone. The filters are intended to provide the maximum amount of power, but not seen by the vast majority of users.

To find help on a specific filter, edit the filter (by double clicking on it in the network on the right if you are not already editing it), then press the "Help on Blah", button near the bottom left of the window, where Blah is the name of the filter. There you will find a forum with a brief bit of explanation about the filter, but more importantly a place where you can ask questions about that filter.

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