GUI changes and more

Please let us know of absolutely anything you think is missing from Smart Photo Editor.
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GUI changes and more

Postby Penningtons7 » Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:17 am

I get a lot of ideas as I am using the software and no time to record the thoughts so I will try to recall the ones that are of most importance to me.

Popups in all views
Large popups useful yet not always needed. a switch on main screen to turn them on and off would be great. Example in grid view instead of options popping up I would prefer right click to activate that. Perhaps it is me but when I am concentrating I use my mouse like my finger when reading in a book. Some popups occur outside of expected areas (this needs cleaned up if it is to be left on). If they are going to be on it would be nice for them to remind us of the available shortcuts like keypress E for red eye edit tool.

Effects (most coomon used tool)

1. Need sort options like alphabetical, author, Favorites (local Mine) Favorites (community). Sort option could have a send to page X option then sorts could be saved locally except for usig the communty rating sort.
2. Favorite needs to be more managable. I would like it to be much like bookmarks on a browser let me add folders as I see fit for any reason. I might do categories as well as by author. Need alphabetical sort options too. I would like option to reduce in grid view the number of samples per page. Bare minimum need to add scrolling ability to current listing.
3. I would like the option to switcth on only my effects this way I can run them through ropes before I submit to share.
4 I also think that Brightness and contrast should be available as adjustments on all effects if not in the selection mode then for sure after confirmed.
6 perhaps when checking on the categories we could have multiple selects to view say style and color at same time.

Image treatment tools

1.would be nice to be able shrink the divisions (auto fix, LEvels etc) unless needed. (like in your portrait pro sliders).
2. Scroll bars are too thin need some meat to enable faster movement. Scrolling with wheel works but often as it goes over a slider will switch to slider adjust instead of scroll making extra work.


1Is very nice one thing I would like is when brush is at max that the tool would act like a paint bucket on whole image based on detector.
2. Keyboard adjusters for size of tools no need to leave image.
3. Just as the mouse wheel scrools up and down image perhaps with a key pressed it could do horizontal or hold space an click to drag image.

Erase tool
Works well would like sqare and triangle shape tool tip as well. And otion to do straight lines perhaps with holding the ctrl or alt key.

Love it pleas e consider adding a libray of repeated things to be saved- like tradenames or whatever.

1. Presets for most common sizes used in photo work or ability to save our own preset custom sizes. As well as default should be locked to working image size not just freeform. Right now I have to enter my sizes every crop. Tool used too often for this little inconvenience.
2 perhaps use mouse to shrink or grow from center could be good when rotating images.
3. Could we have a degrade visual when rotating?

Straighten tool
Please let us turn of the text on the lines makes it hard to see where we are setting the points at.

1. Why not add 360 degree button to option on popup?

OK I think I have them all orat least most of my ideas here if you need me to let me know and I wil break this up for you thought it best (less clutter as one post). I have a slew of opinions on the custom edit stuff will save that for another post.

Thanks Again I like the software very much.
John P

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Re: GUI changes and more

Postby admin » Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:55 am

Lots of interesting ideas, thanks! I'll put them in our suggestions database. I'll address a few where I have something more to add.

Re Popups in all views:
Fair point. We have been discussing making the popups in the gallery optional, and I could see a similar thing for the tool popups too.

Lots of good points here. We are thinking of revamping the favourites system sometime, and categories are certainly on our mind.
Point 4 is an interesting one: Why not use the image treatment tool after confirming the effect?

Re paint bucket: Did you know if you go round an area with the brush, two buttons appear on the right hand side allowing you to fill that area or the area outside it? In the next release this has been revamped to make it more discoverable.
We've used the photoshop shortcuts for changing the bush size [ and ]. { And } change the detector size. I hope you've discovered what Shift does as I find that invaluable.
Holding space puts you in pan/zoom mode. Hold down space then click once to zoom, click and drag to pan and click again to zoom out. This should work in all tools.

The remove telegraph wires tool can be used to draw lines, albeit not constrained to be straight.

Crop and Text presets:
The next release will allow you to right click on any of the tabs at the top and select Save/Publish which would let you save anything (including crop or text) as a favourite (or publish it to the community). I think this might cover both of your preset requirements.

Rotate 360:
Are you checking if I'm still awake? :) Rotating an image 360 degrees would leave it back in the same orientation.

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Location: Phoenix Arizonz

Re: GUI changes and more

Postby Penningtons7 » Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:08 am

Lots of good points here. We are thinking of revamping the favourites system sometime, and categories are certainly on our mind.
Point 4 is an interesting one: Why not use the image treatment tool after confirming the effect?

Sometimes I just want a quick nudge in those areas and to have small sliders would seem faster.

Rotate 360:
Are you checking if I'm still awake? :) Rotating an image 360 degrees would leave it back in the same orientation.

Rotate 360 should have been 270 :D

Thanks you have already helped much.

Thanks for answers

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Re: GUI changes and more

Postby admin » Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:30 am

Fair point about quickly tweaking an effect. Perhaps an option to add in brightness and contrast sliders if they were not already there as part of the effect?

Rotate 270 clockwise is the same as 90 anticlockwise and vice versa.

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