8. Example of one of my SPE Effects

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8. Example of one of my SPE Effects

Postby andrewb2012 » Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:03 am

It is nice, as one of the major contributors of SPE Effects, to see them used in others photo artworks. Just thought I would show some of my effects applied to my images - I have deliberately not told you which of my effects I used as I would rather encourage you to experiment for yourself. I love many of the effects by other contributors and there are lots of examples using their effects (often combined with my own) to be found in my Flickr Photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/ab_images_2011/ - generally I acknowledge the writer and the SPE Effect used, but not always as I try to encourage people to find their own way of using effects. In a sense it is nice when users ask to find a particular effect, but sometimes I think it might inhibit that user's own creativity if I tell them.

You should note that prior to using Smart Photo Editor, I often alter the characteristics of the original photograph in Photoshop Elements by applying selective color techniques & the selective application of plugins from Topaz, Redfield, Filter Forge and others. Generally I give these details below each of my images in Flickr.

To save time I'm using the same script for all the uploads in this series.

Hope you enjoy & maybe even get inspired to EXPERIMENT - my own MANTRA!

Example of andrewb2012 SPE Effect 008.jpg
Example of andrewb2012 SPE Effect 008.jpg (814.6 KiB) Viewed 2120 times

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