Oehringen, Germany city wall

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Oehringen, Germany city wall

Postby Phelon » Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:32 pm

PA103719-en-1_DxO_pe_Frame2_Name_Resize2.jpg (533.97 KiB) Viewed 5595 times

This shows a centuries old city wall that surrounded and protected the city. Notice how close the building structures are to the wall.

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Re: Oehringen, Germany city wall

Postby Sam Spader » Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:27 am

Where did this effect come from please/ as I think it is really nice..Cheers..

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Re: Oehringen, Germany city wall

Postby Phelon » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:45 am

Hi Sam,

On this picture I do remember what I did, so here goes... Firstly, bring in a picture and go directly to Effects Gallery where you will see over a hundred fifty different effects. I chose one on about the 4th or 5th page that changed the picture to a black and white illustrated view (it may not be the illustrated one but close to it). Then I used the fading slider to where I thought it looked best. Then I confirmed. Next, learn how to go over to the left panel and chose Erase effect. Now maybe using the erasing the effect button on the left panel needs to be used before you confirm your gallery B/W effect. I don't remember. Anyway, the idea to keep in mind is that is that you inserted a picture and added another layer from the gallery on top of your original. Then you just paint away the gallery B/W Illustrated effect to what looks best to you. And that's basically all you have to do. To take it further, you can add a frame/s and text if you like. That's fun, too! If you want to add two or more text lines, just double-click on the Text Tool and your Text Box changes back to the word Text and nicely, it keeps your chosen font of the first insert. You can add new fonts to your computer's font folder (On the Mac it's called Font Book that stores your fonts).

Well, Sam, if you have more questions, I will be happy to help. It just takes practice. I used this same techniques on the picture "Oil Paint lilies and Cat". The difference on this one is that I first did an oil-paint effect on the original. It's a great program to use your creative mind.


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Re: Oehringen, Germany city wall

Postby Phelon » Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:33 pm

Hi again, Sam,

Here's some simple instructions: Load a picture. Select in the Effects Gallery a B/W Graphics effect (2nd or 3rd page); without confirming go over to the Erase Tool on the LEFT and paint away whatever part of your B/W effect that you want to show the original color that's underneath. That's it.

Now to set up to start the above, get your original to look good with lighting, any art work, etc., etc. This technique is simple and brings out a new look to your picture when you erase away the B/W illustrated effect.

Of course, you can go on to add text and frame/s.

Have fun,


Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:57 pm

Re: Oehringen, Germany city wall

Postby Sam Spader » Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:10 pm

Big thanks for this ,not tried yet but`Whatch This Space`hope very soon.........

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