Area Treatment Bug (Question Mark)

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Area Treatment Bug (Question Mark)

Postby Phelon » Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:03 pm


When I have used the Image Gallery, and after selecting an effect, and then want to go to Area Treatment, the working page comes up all red (masked) (that doesn't seem right, because what I want to do is select an area and treat the smaller area rather than the whole page. I can't seem to get an inverse selection on the mask so that the whole page mask goes away and lets me paint the small area I want to treat.


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Re: Area Treatment Bug (Question Mark)

Postby admin » Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:02 am

I just tried going into the gallery, selecting an effect then going straight to the area treatment and it doesn't come up all red for me. However, I think I might know what's going on. If you have it set to Erase Selection, it will default any selections to all selected (because there's no point erasing a selection that isn't there). Switching back to Add To selection will deselect everything unless you've already started brushing. There might be a bug that defaults if to Erase Selection (perhaps if you had been previously erasing selection) or if you hit Alt, as that toggles between Erase and Add To selection.


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Re: Area Treatment Bug (Question Mark)

Postby Phelon » Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:43 pm

Hi Tony,

Thanks for that explanation of what might be happening. Knowing that, I will work on some pictures to bring that about. Its happened to me more than once, so it must be my work technique; I remember on the questionable picture workflow that I did have a sky selected using add and erasure controls, then confirmed and went straight to Area Treatment. At that point I will see what comes up again, and if it's all masked I'll see if clicking on Add button changes the mask back to normal so I can paint in the areas.

I also notice sometimes that after selecting an Area for Treatment, I add a New Area and the small screen is all white, and, as I remember, it was a similar situation in that I couldn't paint or mask over my intended area. I need to get the technique down better.....


Posts: 503
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Re: Area Treatment Bug (Question Mark)

Postby Phelon » Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:12 am

Hi Tony, Watching that I have the left add mask button selected instead of erasure, did the trick. I then had no problems. That was a nice analysis and suggestion. Thanks.


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