On Mac when saving a sky effect, it turns 44- 90 deg

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On Mac when saving a sky effect, it turns 44- 90 deg

Postby Phelon » Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:53 pm

This is new. On saving a SKY effect on the Mac, the sky turns 45-90 degrees or so, and, of course, looks horrible. Now can't seem to get the sky effects in gallery to look right. I hope you have a fix and a beta for me.


PS 2 files are in Dropbox to show this bug--including a Session file.

PSS Just tried a simple sky replace and the effect turned on save. Program does need help.


Re: On Mac when saving a sky effect, it turns 44- 90 deg

Postby ArjunAnthroQA » Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:09 am

Hi Phelon,

I'm looking into this issue now. Thanks for those files you sent, they will definitely help in seeing what's occurring. Is this occurring with all Sky replacements or is it affecting a particular effect?


Posts: 503
Joined: Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:06 pm

Re: On Mac when saving a sky effect, it turns 44- 90 deg

Postby Phelon » Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:58 pm

Hi Arjun,

I "think" all the sky effects, since all, or most, of the sky effects were not positioned or looking right when you would open the sky gallery.

To get around this, I started over with original and went straight to selecting the sky. THEN I went to area treatment to work on several areas. However, it crashed repeatedly and was very difficult to come up with my third picture I submitted yesterday to the Graf Zeppelin Restaurant file of 3 to Show Us Your Results.

So, there was lots of crashing, and when I went to use area selections first (before sky selection) the sky would twist and a good number of the others in the sky gallery would too.

That 3rd picture I mention took a LOT of time.


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