crashes and effects

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Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2011 6:06 am

crashes and effects

Postby rochdaker » Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:41 am

LOVE the program, but get random crashes, which is no big deal, because It lets me come right back to the image I was working with. But just noticed after spending an hour scrolling through 80 pages of effects and saving 25 or so as favorites; they are mostly gone (reset). Anybody have a way to "lock them in"?

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Re: crashes and effects

Postby admin » Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:17 am

The effects you 'favorite' are saved to the system whenever you leave the gallery, so you can cancel the gallery and go back in to make sure they are locked in. You can then hover over the page number in the top right to get a widget that will allow you to jump right back to the page you were on before.


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