Author's Effect Control Default Settings

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Author's Effect Control Default Settings

Postby MusicLaw » Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:25 pm

Having clicked on to select an Effect from the Effects Gallery Grid, my image displays with that particular effect's Effect Controls to its immediate Left.

At this point, those Effect Control sliders are positioned as the author of that Effect set them. For the purposes of this thread, I will refer to those as the Author's Effect Control Default settings. Once I change any of those defaults, there should be some easy methods to revert, either, any individual slider, or, all the sliders at once to their default position. In build 1.1.23, as far as I know, this is lacking. The only current workaround is to go back out of the effect and come back into the effect. In most of the other photo editing software out there using a similar UI for the slider controls, simply dbl clicking on the field literal (i.e. its name) for the slider has the effect of putting it back to the default setting. In build 1.1.23, doing so reverts the slider to zero -- not the Author's Effect Control Default.
Last edited by MusicLaw on Wed Nov 23, 2011 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Author's Effect Control Default Settings

Postby admin » Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:25 am

Again, another good suggestion.

Posts: 42
Joined: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:31 pm

Re: Author's Effect Control Default Settings

Postby MusicLaw » Wed Nov 23, 2011 6:44 pm

As you may already know, Adode LR offers three (3) handy swithcing features within (nearly) all of its Control Panels:

1) A master Effect On/Off switch at the Left of almost all of the Control Panel Group Name Strips. The Basic Control Panel has no On/Off switch.

2) Click the sub-group name within a Control Panel (for example, Presence in the Basic Control Panel) and the sliders in that group revert to their preset default. When the sub-group name is clicked, there is also a visual indication as it momentarily highlights. This highlighting would be even more ideal if the color were user selctable in the Preferences.

3) Click the name of the individual slider within a sub-group (for example, Clarity within the Presence group in the Basic Control Panel) to revert it to the preset default. Same visual indication comment as in #2 above.

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