Mirror water riplles multiply

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Mirror water riplles multiply

Postby iskierka » Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:18 pm

Hi Guys.
Can You add another option to have a wider , more landscape look like an effect in mirror water category ?
Thank You .

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Re: Mirror water riplles multiply

Postby Arwin » Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:09 pm

Hi Iskierka,

Ive uploaded some landscape effects of the Water Ripless Effects (Just search arwin and choose arwin(user)) (for some reasson it wont work to search for 'water ripples'..)
I think it takes less than a week that they will be active in SPE.

Glad you like the effect I created :)
Have fun!

Check my Instagram if you have time, dedicated to my edits done in Smart Photo Editor!
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Re: Mirror water riplles multiply

Postby admin » Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:32 am

Hi Arwin and Iskierka,

I'm just processing the effects now, so you'll see them after your next update. Arwin: by default effects only appear under the galleries you choose and for their exact name. Substring searches don't happen automatically because you'd end up with black and white effects appearing in a search for black, which didn't seem sensible. However if you want your effects to appear when you search for water ripples follow these steps:

Go into settings and make sure "Show ratings" is turned on.
Go into the gallery and find the effect and hover over it
Hover over where it says "Rate Effect" and click
You'll get a dialog where you can enter water ripples
After the database is next updated, you should be able to find them by searching on water ripples.


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Re: Mirror water riplles multiply

Postby Arwin » Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:38 pm

Cool thanks Tony, they are indeed in the gallery now and the improved search suggestion works (at least the first stage ;) )

Check my Instagram if you have time, dedicated to my edits done in Smart Photo Editor!
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