Shortlisted photos

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Shortlisted photos

Postby Pix4Press » Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:16 am

After going through and picking a few effects for shortlist, I want to know if I can use them after confirming with my favourite or do I have to go through masking process again. Is there anyway to save once you have masked the area off?

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Re: Shortlisted photos

Postby admin » Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:30 am

Hi Pix4Press

Once you've masked an area, you can re-use it for gallery searches at any time. Hover over the Effects Gallery button and you should see a button in the fly-out for each selection you've already made. Just click on it to see a gallery effects on that selection.

You can also find any effects you've shortlisted by hovering over the favorites button.


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