How to use Pins

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How to use Pins

Postby admin » Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:19 pm

The pins are an advanced feature for distorting a part of your picture and pasting it somewhere else. The basic procedure is this:

> Use the erase brush to select an area of your picture you want to erase
> Drag the red area to a different part of your picture that you want to use to copy
> Click on Add Warping pins
> Click on up to four different widely spaced key points in the blue area. Each pin is coloured and has a copy in the red area. You can drag a pin around in the red area to try and match it up to a corresponding feature that you want to copy from and it will warp the red area onto the blue area. Perhaps the simplest way is to place the pins at four corners of the red area. Sometimes you'll have specific features like a window corner, that you want to match up.

I've attached some pictures showing an example of removing some people from a path. As the path shrinks into the distance, I've had to stretch out a large red area to copy onto the smaller blue area, which is further away.
result.jpg (155.26 KiB) Viewed 9195 times
Dorset 072_pe.jpg
Dorset 072_pe.jpg (213.41 KiB) Viewed 9195 times

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Re: How to use Pins

Postby Arwin » Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:50 pm

Cool! Sounds clear to me, thanks for the explanation! :)

Check my Instagram if you have time, dedicated to my edits done in Smart Photo Editor!
Feel free to follow ;)

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