Crushing When Using Effects Gallery!!!

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Re: Crushing When Using Effects Gallery!!!

Postby Arwin » Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:46 pm

Hi Phoobe, that makes sense to me, if I understand you right..

It's true, I can't click on the small effect preview that has the ability to rotate in it, they will simply not enlarge to show the big preview of the effect. But that's something that was already present in the previous versions and I never did make a big deal of it. What I do is, I click just below the effectname (link) not on the link, because that will bring you to the a webpage, but just below that link, that will popup the big preview of the effect.

Hope I did understand you right ;)

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Re: Crushing When Using Effects Gallery!!!

Postby admin » Tue Oct 15, 2013 9:34 am

Hi all,

Yes, Arwin is right. When the effect has a widget that allows you to alter the effect, the only way to make it bigger is to click on any of grey area that the picture does not cover.

Version 1.19.21 is just a few bug fixes. We list all our changes in our annoucement forum.


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Re: Crushing When Using Effects Gallery!!!

Postby Redfordl2003 » Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:32 pm

Vangelisz wrote:Hi Redfordl2003,

Thanks for the information.
The original file is the image you are trying to enhance, and you can simply save a session file by going to File -> Save as Session... (this will create a file with .pe extension). Can you mail me these files to ?
Thank you in advance.


Today, i downloaded the new vers .21 update. I had already deleted the images and global file under app data etc. and i deleted the proper anthropics folder under regedit. Knock on wood, i am not getting any crashing of the software while working in the photo effects gallery. I will let you know of any problems while working with this program. Love the effects it produces!! Thanks!!

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Re: Crushing When Using Effects Gallery!!!

Postby Wolverine » Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:41 am

Vangelisz wrote:Hi Phoebe,

If you are still having problems with the Effects Gallery, could you please go to Documents\PhotoEditor , and delete the "global" and "images" folders? After you re-launch the software it will automatically re-download the community effects.


I am having the same issue. I looked for those two folders and they were not installed or created. Should I uninstall or reinstall SPE?

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Re: Crushing When Using Effects Gallery!!!

Postby Wolverine » Wed Feb 26, 2014 4:05 am

Okay, got the crashing to stop. I added the two folders and it is not working fine.


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