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Postby andrewb2012 » Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:49 pm

Hi (especially Arwin),

Although I devised a way of creating drop shadow effects, it was not my intention to upload them, but I've changed my mind. This way other effect creators can apply a manual edit to see how they work - then modify, adapt, rewrite or whatever - uploading the effects seems the best way of sharing the ideas! I know Arwin, that you have been working on similar effects - I look forward to see what you come up with.

There are two series called 'Simple drop shadow 001-004' and 'Funky drop shadow 001-003' - they will take a few days to appear.

The following images show what can be done with these effects - they are likely to work best for simple images I would imagine, but not limited to these.

Note when you load your original image click on the 'Select Area' button and choose 'Background' from given menu. Brush out the back ground and accept the selection. You can then type in the name of the effect and modify it to suit your purposes. However, these are 'One-click' effects that can be applied after you have made a background mask, although there are sliders that you can control to alter the effect.

Simple drop shadow 001-horz.jpg
Simple drop shadow 001-horz.jpg (42.48 KiB) Viewed 8597 times

Simple Drop Shadows Example Two.jpg
Simple Drop Shadows Example Two.jpg (109.35 KiB) Viewed 8597 times


Posts: 1045
Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:09 pm


Postby andrewb2012 » Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:53 pm

Funky drop shadow effects applied:

Funky Drop Shadows Examples One.jpg
Funky Drop Shadows Examples One.jpg (150.67 KiB) Viewed 8596 times

Funky Drop Shadows Example Two.jpg
Funky Drop Shadows Example Two.jpg (295.91 KiB) Viewed 8596 times

Kind regards,


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Postby Phelon » Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:54 pm

Hi Andrew,

I appreciate all your fine effects! Thank you for your gifts and contributions to SPE. I have the feeling that you have many talents, including music and writing and a love of people. You could also be a collector of many nice things; I see some nice pottery in a picture. You have an appreciation of the finer things in life. I really do enjoy your use of writing and understanding the English language. You have taught and shown other photographers how to improve their artwork that very few other photographers have been able to do. You may be retiring soon, but your talents and artwork will continue forever.

Best regards,

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Postby andrewb2012 » Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:39 pm

Hi my dear friend Phelon,

You have indeed imagined correctly that I love music - I play the acoustic guitar (when I'm able these days) in the following genres: Folk, Blues, Ragtime, Celtic, English & Scottish traditional dance tunes, old Standards and a bit of Classical guitar too. I used to play for hours at a time and belonged to various music groups. I also write guitar music and used to belong to a songwriters group. So yes I do like writing to and intend to do more in the future. Although I can spend many hours on my own on my creations I do love family and friends - I have two little granddaughters and they are very precious to me as are my grown up children. The love of my life, Anne, my wife has been the greatest blessing in my life - she is very caring & understanding. It is really quite funny, because although she is very supportive, she's relative unmoved by my art, music or writing. Perhaps, it is the differences between us that keep the sparks alive. She is my best friend without doubt and there are many things that we share together.

I am not in the least sentimental and hence I do not collect things but I am truly moved and appreciate the creative works of others. I believe in COMMUNITY, SHARING & HELPING OTHERS - that is why I have engaged in contributing effects to Smart Photo Editor.

I don't set myself up to teach others, rather I like to think of what I do as ENCOURAGING others and FACILITATING their creativity. I get a great amount of JOY seeing my effects used by others and I actually find it quite humbling. Anthropics, the company behind Smart Photo Editor did ask me to do their SPE tutorial videos for them and to this end I suppose I was being a teacher. It has been my delight to have done some 43 video tutorials and it is wonderful to think that they might still be used after I've gone.

I will stop, as you know, contributing effects after I've reached the magical 2000 - both so that I can have more time to pursue other interest, but primarily to give others the chance of taking things forward.

So thank you for you very kind words of encouragement - I appreciate all that you have said.

I will drop you a line privately in the near future.

In the meantime - keep well my friend & maintain your creative output!



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Postby Arwin » Wed Nov 06, 2013 3:15 pm

Awesome work Andrew! :D

You did what I was planning to do after I did had have a correct drop shadow, COLOR shadows! :D
Im very curious how you did what you achieved, did you use a RGB-split to get the shadow working? (I almost think you did :) )

Will check them out as soon they are active, they are looking very promising!!

Very well done!
Check my Instagram if you have time, dedicated to my edits done in Smart Photo Editor!
Feel free to follow ;)

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Postby andrewb2012 » Wed Nov 06, 2013 6:05 pm

Thanks Arwin,

Not long before my task is complete - less than 70 effects to go to reach my target of 2000 effects, then it is time to put the feet up. Please play with the drop shadow effects and develop them further - as far as I'm concerned my effects are simply a starting point for others, although I was surprised how well the combined effects came out.

I looked at your Chrstmas/generic stars effects - they are very good and I'm sure they will be well used by SPE users. When I retire, I will view the forum to see the latest developments and will view with interest your new effects when they reach the effects gallery.

From time to time I'll comments, but I'm not going to be active - in other words, I don't intend to submit any more things to the forum. I'm on to pastures new - but I will be using SPE with great enthusiasm into the future. I will be developing my own Private effects around my specific needs and look forward to to seeing the results.



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Postby Mozzy » Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:27 pm

Andrew; yer a star. We are very very fortunate to have you here! Hark at me ... I've only been here five minutes and I sound like an old hand :)

You carry on dude; each and every bit you do is sincerely appreciated.


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Postby andrewb2012 » Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:30 pm

Hi again Mozzy,

My thoughts are with you at this difficult time - once again thanks for you kind words - they mean a lot to me.

Kind regards,


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