Selecting trees/hair/that sort of thing

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Selecting trees/hair/that sort of thing

Postby alexmccall » Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:55 pm

If you need to select an object with lots of irregular holes (e.g. the leaves on trees), use the Smart Brush with:

* Very large brush size
* Very small inner brush size
* Very high opacity
* Very low strength

Now, line up the inner brush on a bit of the tree (or whatever). You should see the tree is selected accurately, and the background isn't!

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Re: Selecting trees/hair/that sort of thing

Postby Tony » Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:04 pm

Often for whispy thing like that with a simple background (like sky), it is easier to do a rough selection that covers too much then use the Cut Back brush to remove the background.

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