reset to original

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reset to original

Postby ne1sail » Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:45 pm

I would purchase this software but there is no function to reset all the frames to their original state. If you make changes and forget to reset to the original, you lose the original state. There has to be a reset to original before I would consider purchasing this software.

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Re: reset to original

Postby admin » Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:53 am

If you make changes to a picture you can always find out what the original picture looks like by pressing F5 or hovering over the left most tab on the tabs at the top. You will only loose your original picture if you save over it (by default Smart Photo Editor will add a _pe when saving so your original image is not touched). You can always go back to your original picture and start again by deleting all the tabs at the top. To delete a tab, just hover over it and press the X button that appears. Does that answer your question?


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Re: reset to original

Postby ne1sail » Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:14 am

You are missing the point. If I import a photo and then use the Smart Photo Editor to change the effect of the imported photo, I lose the original settings of the preset itself. Some of the originators of the presets went to great lengths to produce those effects. Of course I can always revert to the original photo because I loaded it into the smart photo editor in the first place, but that is not the question I asked.

How's this for a better explanation. When I use actions in Photoshop, the original action itself is not changed when I use it. I can go back at any time and make further changes to any photo without affecting the action itself. The same applies to presets in Lightroom. I use a preset to get close to what I want to do with a photo and then make further changes in Lightroom or Photoshop if I want to without affecting the preset. Once again, if I make changes to the original state of the presets in Smart Photo Editor, I can't go back and reset them to their original state .

I am not trying to make this difficult but I find it exasperating that the tech's or programmers there can't wrap their head around this and make a simple change to the coding so that the original state of the effect I start with in Smart Photo Editor so I can come back later and start from the same place with a different photo.

If this is too technical for you then can you please push this further up the food chain to someone who programs who understands what I am expressing here.

Thank you

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Re: reset to original

Postby admin » Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:54 am

Hi Ne1sail,

I see what you mean now. I didn't originally know what you meant by a 'frame', I thought you meant your picture, rather than what we call effects, sorry about that.

It sounds like you are asking for a reset button in the gallery results. The good news is that this is will appear in the next version of the software, which all going well will be released later today or tomorrow for PC and soon after on MAC. The reset in the gallery will not appear by default, but you can turn it on in the settings dialog in the file menu. There will also be a reset button once you apply your effect.

As for pushing this further up the food chain, you are already talking to the writer of this software and a director of the company, so I'm afraid there's nowhere else up to go! :)


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Re: reset to original

Postby Emily_Ann_11228 » Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:59 am

Hi Tony. It's 3/4 and I've not been able to obtain an update including the Reset button. When I updated I received the notice that no updates are available and that I'm using 1.4 the most current version.

I then went to File menu and opened Settings. In the General Tab there isn't any check box for a Reset Button.

Has the implementation and release been delayed?

If not what am I missing? Please explain.

Thank you.

P.S. A reset button is a very handy thing to have.

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Re: reset to original

Postby admin » Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:05 pm

1.5.4 is the latest version only available on PC for now. You can download it from here. It will be available as an in app update soon.


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