First go at a composite with SPE

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First go at a composite with SPE

Postby Nick.Eady » Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:12 pm

Not the best at post processing, but smart photo editor is intuitive and user friendly. First attempt at a composite, pleased with the results, and looking forward to playing some more with what it as got to offer :D
Small image.jpg
Small image.jpg (61.52 KiB) Viewed 7421 times

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Re: First go at a composite with SPE

Postby eadams » Wed Aug 27, 2014 4:21 pm

Very dramatic image! Keep playing around, I'd like to see other creations you come up with.


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Re: First go at a composite with SPE

Postby andrewb2012 » Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:18 pm

Hi Nick, I totally agree with Eve - very dramatic and a great first attempt using the composite feature.

I too look forward to any other creations you wish to upload to the forum.

Well done - keep up the good work!



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Re: First go at a composite with SPE

Postby artyjules » Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:25 am

My first time with Photo Editor too and I can't say I have it all together at all yet-wondering if there is a way of returning to save point of a photo without scrolling through all of the option filters? Thanks, hope this is in the right place, trying to post a photo with similar type filter to above :-) Can someone please help me with uploading a photo?

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Re: First go at a composite with SPE

Postby eadams » Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:40 am

Hi artyjules,

Once you have added several effects to an image, you can save the session by going to FILE - SAVE AS SESSION. The result will be a file with the file ending .pe. I myself have created a folder on my computer called SPE SESSIONS and I save all my sessions to it with names that will remind me of what image I was working on. When you open one of those files in SPE, you will be able to keep working where you left off. Does this answer your question regarding "returning to the save point of a photo"?

I know of two ways to post a photo.

1. upload the photo to the forum: click on the "Upload attachment" tab below the space where you write your forum post. Click on the "Browse" button that appears and select the file you want to upload. Once the path to the file appears in the space to the left of the browse button, click "Add the file". When you have done that a "Posted attachments" section appears below your written text and you have the option to either "DELETE FILE" or "PLACE INLINE". When you click on "PLACE INLINE" your image will be inserted. You can click on the preview button before submitting your post to see if the image has been inserted correctly.

2. upload your image to some image hosting service such as imageshack and merely post a link to your image. (Not all image hosting services let you link directly to an image hosted on them.)

Good luck, I am looking forward to seeing some of your artwork!


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Re: First go at a composite with SPE

Postby artyjules » Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:32 pm

Ocean and Pier sm_pe.jpg
Ocean and Pier sm_pe.jpg (252.48 KiB) Viewed 7394 times
Thanks so much Eve-all I can do is try, so I will have a look now and see what happens and if I get an attachment message, otherwise I may be lost in PE! Perpetually Evicted !LOL

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Re: First go at a composite with SPE

Postby artyjules » Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:43 pm

DSC00839 Bubble Play2 sm_pe.jpg
DSC00839 Bubble Play2 sm_pe.jpg (356.6 KiB) Viewed 7393 times
Yay! Thank you-that seemed to work Eve-what I meant was, when you run say 40-50 pages of filters-is there a way to jump the first lot and pick up from where I left off-or need I always start back to 1 in effects? I haven't got much further that that yet :-) Appreciate your fast and helpful response :-)

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Re: First go at a composite with SPE

Postby eadams » Thu Aug 28, 2014 5:35 pm

Hi Artyjules,

I like the images you posted very much! Thank you for sharing them.

Regarding your question - now I understand what you mean. After you browse through pages and pages of effects and finally apply an effect, you indeed return to page 1 of the effects when you load the effect gallery again. You can jump to any page you want manually, though. Let's say you have already have looked at the first 50 pages and want to start at page 51 the next time you load the effect gallery. At the top of the effect gallery you will see the text "Page 1 of 477". If you hover with the mouse over this text, a slider will appear. By moving the pointer on the slider you can navigate to any page at all.

Now, there is a caveat. I have noticed that if you have the effect gallery set to display effects that SPE thinks will look good on your image (there will be a big check mark beneath the words "This Image" in the BEST FOR panel on the left), you won't always find the same effects on every page. Let me show you an example.

I loaded an image of a window and on page two of the effect gallery I applied the effect "Strong Vignette" by Tony. I don't like this effect on this image, but it is good for demonstration purposes because it changes the nature of the image markedly. This is a screenshot of Page 2 of the effects gallery before applying the affect.

SPE page 2.JPG
SPE page 2.JPG (476.59 KiB) Viewed 7387 times

After I applied this vignette, I navigated to page 2 again. As you can see, SPE is showing me quite different effects, because SPE is looking for effects that might look good on my altered (vignetted) image.

SPE page 2_2nd try.JPG
SPE page 2_2nd try.JPG (301.21 KiB) Viewed 7387 times

So jumping ahead to the page you left off on may not make any sense if you have applied effects to your image.

Hope I didn't confuse you further :-)


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Re: First go at a composite with SPE

Postby Phelon » Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:36 pm

Hi Eve,

I'm enthralled with your precise and well-done explanations; they should be made available for viewing on some of the other forums, as-well-as here. They give an excellent understanding of what is going on in the effects gallery when making a selection, so that one can be aware of making a choice to move forward on the SPE selections OR choose to add more effects from the Effects Gallery in general. (Now that long sentence may not be good writing, but hope it's an understood summary.) You might say I just love your English writing, grammar, use of words and technical knowledge. That's as much a thrill to me as looking at pictures. I sense that you know more than one language and live in Europe. :D

Hi Artyjules,

Congratulations on getting a fast understanding of some of the refinements in using SPE. Eve and Andrew are great at helping, as are the administration and other members. I like your pictures and look forward to seeing many more..

Hi Nick.Eady,

Your picture looks very good. The similarities are amazing between Artyjules and yours using the same effect. Keep up the good work.


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Re: First go at a composite with SPE

Postby artyjules » Fri Aug 29, 2014 12:20 am

Cacti BW sm_pe.jpg
Cacti BW sm_pe.jpg (288.08 KiB) Viewed 7382 times
Thanks so much Eve-that explained my query perfectly-so I can keep working on an already altered image and see what other magic may happen-I have yet to master the select area tools- is there somewhere apart from the original tutorial that I can learn more about using this technique? I really appreciate your help :-)
Here is another of a simple cactus-this program is just so much fun I will never get a thing done! LOL


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