i just upgraded to the latest version/ many crashes

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i just upgraded to the latest version/ many crashes

Postby ezdrifter » Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:36 pm

the version before this i had no problems at all. today i am working and it crashed 4 or 5 times.. i was doing simple things like i normally did.. no reason for it to crash so much.. how do i get back to the previous version. or what is your reccomendation ?

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Re: i just upgraded to the latest version/ many crashes

Postby KarenJanetteMcKenzie » Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:22 pm

I have also been crashed too many times! Actually, every time I try to edit a picture. What on earth is the problem?? I have loaded Smart Phot in, taken it off, re-loaded...no luck! :( This has been my "go to " program for years!! I am so unhappy about all the crashing!! EVery time I try to do more than one action--it crashes!! HELP!!
I do not want the photo shop program--but the stand alone program!! Which is the one I have used for years. What can you do for me?????

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Re: i just upgraded to the latest version/ many crashes

Postby admin » Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:32 am

Can you try this version to see if the crashing problems are fixed:

If you are using Windows, and are getting crashing problems, can you try one of these versions:

Standard edition:
http://cloudfront.portraitprofessional. ... etup64.exe

Studio edition:
http://cloudfront.portraitprofessional. ... etup64.exe


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Re: i just upgraded to the latest version/ many crashes

Postby admin » Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:32 pm


Just to let you know, we've found one potential problem (separate from the open image crash) in SPE and are working on a fix for it now. Sorry for the problems. As a workaround for now, you can use the older versions I linked to before.

Kind regards,


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Re: i just upgraded to the latest version/ many crashes

Postby KarenJanetteMcKenzie » Fri Aug 07, 2015 5:25 am

I have had many crashes tonight. VERY :| :| frustrating! I can edit one or two pictures then it crashes. Hoping for fix soon!!

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Re: i just upgraded to the latest version/ many crashes

Postby admin » Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:41 am

Hi Karen,

Did you try downloading the other versions I linked to?

Standard edition:
http://cloudfront.portraitprofessional. ... etup64.exe

Studio edition:
http://cloudfront.portraitprofessional. ... etup64.exe

Kind regards,


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Re: i just upgraded to the latest version/ many crashes

Postby ezdrifter » Sat Aug 08, 2015 2:06 am

i am using the smart photo editor not the portrait proffessional.. but i notice that when it crashes the most is when i use the detail and go to soften and choose one of the sliders....then when i click ok it keeps crashing..

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Re: i just upgraded to the latest version/ many crashes

Postby admin » Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:55 am

Those links are for Smart Photo Editor, they are just hosted on our main Portrait Pro site. Sorry for the confusion.

We have just put up a new Windows version on our website (12.21.14), which fixes a common crash in 12.21.12. If you are on windows and you check for updates you can try that one out.


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Re: i just upgraded to the latest version/ many crashes

Postby KarenJanetteMcKenzie » Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:39 pm

I am still frustrated! My favorite photo editor is crashing me silly!!

And when I went in to upload a former version--my code key did NOT work...help! :) Please!! Thanks!

It happens when I click on the "okay" button, after I am ready to save what I have done! So then I have to start over--ugh. :(

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Re: i just upgraded to the latest version/ many crashes

Postby admin » Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:57 am

Dear Karen

Really sorry to hear you're still having problems. Could you confirm if the version you have that is crashing is version 1.21.14? (as opposed to any other version). We are not sure if users are having problems with that version or an older one that has bugs we've fixed.

The most likely problem with your code not working is that you downloaded the wrong edition. Make sure the edition you downloaded is the one you paid for. You shouldn't even have been asked for a keycode if the edition was the same as before. Do let me know if that's not it though, because the old version should work just fine, and we'd like to get you back and running as soon as we can.

Kind regards,



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